Custom repo example for RHEL8

This post includes some quick instructions to setup an Apache2-homed yum/dnf repo on and for RHEL8.

Install Apache2 and createrepo:

sudo yum -y install httpd createrepo

Start Apache2:

sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd

Prepare directory with custom RPM(s):

mkdir /var/www/html/customrepo
cd /var/www/html/customrepo
sudo cp /home/user/CustomApp-1.0.0-1.rpm /var/www/html/customrepo/

Create the repo indexing files:

sudo createrepo /var/www/html/customrepo/

Now the repo should be “live”, but we need a repo file to reference it from clients. We will create and test a “local” repo file. Create/edit a “custom.repo” file (we’ll use nano for this):

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo

In the custom repo file, a minimal configuration might look like this:


You should now be able to test the custom repo by installing a package like this:

sudo yum -y install customapp